Success as a CA knew it..

Success is a ray, just fractions away...
The day is near, so nothing to fear
The winds change, but dreams stand there
Believing in self shall take us through,
Pushing us all in a higher gear

The efforts we make, for a unified goal
with mother's warm care for a wakeup call
The Fathers guide with experiences they share
The friends standing by, it's a perfect energy ball

Those sunsets we saw, had made a promise
To return with a new day to cheer
The moments before sleep, hugging tight our dreams
The purpose shall be served farther or near

Let's make a prayer, for a beautiful ray
That brings us success, in a magical way
The blessing shall come, running down the heaven
Someday soon, it's just fractions away...


  1. Greetings from the UK. I enjoyed reading.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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